The Retro Street Collective

Playing those mini masterpieces from radio and television.


Our Music

Vintage television and radio theme music is the major stream in our programmes. These mini-masterpieces alerted us to the imminent start of another programme. Some transported us to different times and places, some indicated the seriousness of the subject matter and of course, some of the themes were as much fun as the programmes they heralded. In the age of streaming these gems are already beginning to fade from existence. We hope that we will help keep their spark alive.

The Retro Street Collective are an eclectic bunch with a wide range of musical experience between them including professional symphony orchestras, jazz combos, concert bands, music theatre, brass bands, a Ska band and more. Despite only being a quintet the breadth of instruments played between them ranges from recorders to ukulele, clarinet to euphonium and sax to melodica.

The Collective

The Retro Street Collective is an amateur group performing because we enjoy doing so, but we also hope to help raise money, through our concerts, for local and national good causes. A concert would usually be around 75 to 90 minutes in two halves. The Collective will usually charge a small fee covering such expenses as petrol and music.

For your listening pleasure

Click to listen to clips taken from our concert in September 2023

Latest News

Saturday evening saw a large audience enjoy a concert of classic TV and Radio theme music performed by the locally based 'Retro Street Collective'.

Raising funds for the RNLI in its 200th Anniversary year, the entertainment ranged from 'Blue Peter' to 'Top Cat' and 'Last of the Summer Wine' to 'University Challenge in a programme that covered the last 60 years.

The evening raised over £500 with sales of merchandise, raffle tickets and donations still to be calculated.

RNLI Concert a big success

Saturday March 16th 2024

Have a look at our Instagram feed and keep up to date with the latest news from the RSC.



Due to an influx of spam through the contact form we have decided to take it down.

If you would like to contact us about a possible engagement, to tell us how good our concert was or for further information please email us directly at

Thank you